Does my cat or dog need a license?
Yes. The cost of a license is $20.00 or $10.00 for a neutered dog or cat, renewable every five years. Licenses may be obtained from the Town Office during regular business hours. You will receive a tag which must be worn around your dog or cat’s neck at all times. Any untagged dogs or cats that are picked up may be removed from Town.
If your pet loses their license, a replacement tag is $5.00.
Property Taxes – When are notices sent out? When are payments due?
Property Tax is assessed for the period of January 1st to December 31st each year. Tax notices are usually mailed in June each year and are payable in full by December 31st of that year.
Discounts are possible for the total amount due by paying early.
The discount schedule is noted as follows:
Payments received by September 30th –> 3% discount.
Payments received by October 31st –> 2% discount.
Payments received by November 30th –> 1% discount.
Payments received in December –> 0% discount.
I am building a garage and thinking about doing renovations to my house? Will I require a building permit?
Yes. A building permit application must be completed prior to construction. The Town of Cabri contracts B&D Contract Service for the issuance of building permits. Your application will be forwarded to them and once completed, your building will be inspected. The cost of building permits varies depending on what is being constructed. Please visit the Town Office for additional information in this regard. For your information, the construction of a fence does not require a building permit.
I have a matter that I feel I need to bring to a Council meeting. Can I show up at the meeting to discuss it?
No. Arrangements to attend must be made with the Administrator by the Thursday prior to the Council meeting.
Can I pay my water bill or taxes through internet banking?
Yes. The Town can also set up a pre-authorized payment plan for you for both water and taxes. If this is set up, a set amount will automatically come out of your bank account each month.
Please contact the Town Office for more information.
What hours is the landfill open?
The landfill is open on Wednesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
From April to September, it is also open on Mondays from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.